Do you know which is the second most difficult language to learn in the world?


Do you know which is the second most difficult language to learn in the world?

As we already know, the complexity of a language varies from one language to another. Likewise, some of them can become a real challenge to learn, such as "Chinese" which we already reviewed last week.

Today, we are going to talk and learn about the "Arabic language", the second most complex language to acquire.

Arabic is one of the most difficult languages to learn because of its complex grammar, frequent irregular verb patterns, and large vocabulary. Additionally, the dialects of the language vary significantly between regions, which makes it difficult to understand native speakers depending on the region they come from. Finally, the written language is written from right to left, and the script is complex and unfamiliar to English speakers.


Arabic is an ancient language that dates back to at least the 6th century BCE. It has its roots in the Semitic language family and is closely related to Aramaic, Hebrew, and various other languages. Arabic has been spoken in the Middle East and North Africa for centuries, and it is now the official language of 26 countries in the region. It is spoken around the world by more than 400 million people, making it one of the most widely spoken languages on the globe.


Arabic grammar comprises the rules governing the use of the Arabic language. Arabic has a complex grammatical system based on morphology, syntax, and phonology.

The basic word order in Arabic is subject-verb-object (SVO). However, word order is very flexible in Arabic and is usually determined by the context and function of the sentence. Arabic nouns are marked for gender (masculine or feminine) and plurality (singular or plural). Verbs are conjugated according to person, gender, and number.

Arabic makes extensive use of prefixes and suffixes to modify words and indicate grammatical function. It also has several cases and tenses, including the perfect and imperfect tenses, which indicate past and future actions. Arabic also has a complex system of noun and verb declension, which is used to indicate the function of a word in a sentence. This system is known as i'rab, and is an important part of learning Arabic.
